The Euclid Company

Creative Careers

Linking Youth to

About Us

The Euclid Company is a social impact agency building creative career pathways for underrepresented youth and BIPOC artists.

Many young creatives dream of turning their passion into a profession, but without industry connections and real-world job experience, they remain unaware of the diverse career paths available. Our mission is to change that.

We collaborate with nonprofit organizations, philanthropists, and creative agencies to design initiatives that enable emerging talent to connect to the industry.

What We Do

With Nonprofits

We transform traditional arts education programs into progressive career readiness approaches, focusing on creative industry technical skills. We build social enterprise programs for real-world creative job experience. We design creative career centers offering career counseling, professional development, and mentorship. These are just a few ways to support the future careers of your youth members.

With Creative Agencies

We oversee philanthropic initiatives and corporate social responsibility projects, ensuring they align with your company's vision. Our services include managing internship programs, from sourcing the right talent to seamless placements, and implementing employee-giving programs and volunteer opportunities through community-based partnerships. These efforts not only advance your CSR objectives but also foster a culture of giving back, ultimately shaping the creative futures of emerging talents.

For Emerging Talent

We provide emerging creatives with the guidance, connections, and resources to build careers driven by their creative vision. Our offerings include grants to support creative projects, scholarships to advance technical skills, and assistance with software and equipment needs. We connect them with established creatives who offer mentorship and invite them into their networks. For aspiring creative professionals, leveraging artistic talents for a living can be immensely rewarding, and we strive to make that a reality.

Let’s Connect

Are you a nonprofit leader looking to integrate career readiness into your programs? A creative agency aiming to build an internship program for young talent? An emerging artist seeking to connect with the creative network?